Creative Commons License
Near-Hermit Chronicles by Jessica Turley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Monday, February 13, 2012

And that's how you know.

I'm on anti-depressants.  They make me a happy camper and allow everyone to enjoy my clever company.

But when I forget to take my medicine...

My family notices.
I can't tell you how many times Lauren has asked me, "Did you take your medicine?" after I've been acting like the queen of all that is bitchy.  It's embarrassing for me because when I stop to remember whether I had taken my medicine, I am required to admit that I happened to have missed my daily dose.

And then they all laugh at me.  Which is stupid if you think about it.  Take into consideration, if you will, someone who is extremely annoyed by every little thing that happens.
Then ask her if she's taken her meds. (or, hell, ask her if she's on her period)
I can assure you it is the easiest way to piss her off.

So my point is, I forgot to take my medicine today and only noticed how bad it was getting after Lauren said something and my first thought was, "KILL HER WITH FIIIIIIRE!!!!" (Yes, the extra exclamation points are necessary.)

(Don't worry, I'm fine now.)

(Lauren is okay too.)

The holiday of affection

As I have mentioned before, I have no boyfriend, so obviously Valentine's Day is a touchy day for me.  I'm not one of those people who says they hate the holiday because of whatever bull-crap reason, and I'm not one of those people who wants others to be miserable. (If I suggest ruining the day for others, it's a joke, DO NOT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY)

I like Valentine's Day. I think it's a pretty holiday with a wonderful theme that no one really cares about enough.  I wish the love and affection that people show towards one another was not just reserved to one day, I don't mean, "Oh, my guy better buy me a diamond ring every damn day!" What I mean is, "Oh, he called me in the middle of the day to tell me how much he loved me! He's so wonderful!"

Sure I'm lonely and sure I don't like romance but that doesn't mean I can't wish happiness for everyone else.

Anyway, when my mom and I were shopping at Wal-mart today, we looked at the holiday candy aisle.  I asked for some dark chocolate that I can eat by myself tomorrow(for obvious reasons).

She asked me if I wouldn't rather wait until after tomorrow to get candy.

I thought, "Sure! We can get so much candy when it's on sale! However, I require at least 1 bag for tomorrow."

So she, being the wonderful mother she is, allowed me to pick whatever I wanted.  I got a bag of dark and milk chocolate.  Dark chocolate is the bee's knees!

So anywho,


P.S. If you are as lonely as me this Valentine's Day, I found a list to use to cope with your loneliness this holiday.'s-Day

P.S.S. Here's a Valentine for you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The day I saved the world.

Warning: Foul Language Alert
You've been warned.

Remember that one day a year ago around October, when that old dude said the Apocalypse was the very next day?

No one believed him, including me.
However, the night before his proclaimed apocalypse, I received some math homework.  That by itself is nothing unusual, until you start to acknowledge the fact that my math karma fairy is a cruel bitch.

She usually does this; I complete my homework happily (teacher doesn't take it up), I don't do my homework (teacher demands it and gives double points for half of the questions).

So can you blame me for believing that a similar lose-lose situation was about to take place?
I imagined that it would go something like this; Do my homework (world is destroyed thus making my last hours on earth invalid), or Don't do my homework (the world lives to see another day so my teacher can be utterly disappointed in me).

I chose to save the world, even if it meant disappointing my math teacher.

You're all fucking WELCOME.