Creative Commons License
Near-Hermit Chronicles by Jessica Turley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A children's story. : By Me

This is Jessica.

Jessica likes chocolate.

Sometimes Jessica eats too much.

Then Jessica gets tired.

So she goes to her room to sleep.

Jessica sleeps in a blanket fort.

Jessica's cat tried to jump on top of it a few days ago and it pissed Jessica off, so she threw her cat into the hallway.

But the cat can't understand human words.

So the cat waited until Jessica tried to leave her room.

And then Jessica's cat ran in before Jessica could close the door.

That made Jessica angry again.

When Jessica tried to get the cat out of her room, the cat ran under her bed.

So Jessica walked into her closet and grabbed her sword, Excalibur.

Jessica swung the sword under the bed until the cat got scared and ran out of the room.

Jessica is happy when there are no animals in her room.

Jessica's cat is okay because the sword is dull and cats are fast.

The moral of this story is to not go in Jessica's room uninvited unless you are a cat and are sure that Jessica's sword has not been sharpened all of a sudden.


  1. Dis is Heidi. And this should be a book. I would buy it totally!

  2. No need, it's totally free to read here. XD
