Creative Commons License
Near-Hermit Chronicles by Jessica Turley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

May I have paychecks?

I have never had a job before and today I will be interviewed for a position at McDonalds.  I know a fast food job would be scoffed at by more well-to-do rich people, but screw you, someday my job will involve the design of pages on the interwebs. I will be making a lot of money doing something I find entertaining and I will probably have co-workers I will be forced to interact with which will mean that I will be able to complain to my boyfriend about the things I have to deal with while he uses his super-sexy Italian accent to calm me down.

My future boyfriend and then husband.

So while I go ahead and earn money for doing a good job and will basically get most of that money just to NOT be a hermit; you can sit around, bored, because you and your friends got tired of pulling a one-hundred dollar bill around on a fishing rod watching a homeless person make desperate attempts to grab it. Which I must say would be kind of entertaining as long as you give the hundred bucks to the person afterwards. You're bastards though, so why would you do that?

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