Creative Commons License
Near-Hermit Chronicles by Jessica Turley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's that time of the year again! YAY FLAMETHROWERS!

I know I haven't been posting anything for quite some time, but I haven't really been feeling the need to distract myself from any kind of work, and currently I am intentionally barring myself from cleaning my room.

I digress.
Every year(usually in winter) the weather becomes chilly.  For a normal person this means nothing except that it's almost time to wear a sweater.  For myself, it is the time of year where I begin to feel groggy and frozen.

Then it snows.

When it snows my dad and I take to the shovels and clear off the driveway.  Then it happens.  Just as with every year before this one, I begin to wish(and beg for) a flamethrower.  I know what you might be thinking.
"A flamethrower?! I WANT ONE TOO!" and of course you do because we're talking about a flamethrower. They are awesome.  However, they are rarely found for civilian use.  In other words, if you want a flamethrower become a criminal and buy one from the black market.  Or convince an under-appreciated genius to make one for you to exact vengeance upon his previous employers or whoever it was that didn't appreciate him.

Then just imagine the things you could do with said flamethrower!

You could pretend to be a pokemon!

You could easily clear all snow from the driveway or even the building the snow has rested itself upon!

........ Safe and controlled forest fires!

..................................... FLAMETHROWERS ARE AWESOME.

Usually, after I begin to imagine owning a flamethrower, I begin to imagine owning a jacket made from a heating pad with a battery case and heat controller in one of the pockets.

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